Art K

In Art K, students are introduced to the ways in which they can express ideas and demonstrate their creativity through art. Throughout this course, students are encouraged to use their imagination to create art. They use a wide variety of materials to make their artwork, and they learn safe methods for using those materials. They explore the importance of working with others by collaborating both to create art and to solve artistic problems. Students use multiple techniques while working with the same artistic medium, and they create various scenes, including a nature scene, a construction scene, and an underwater scene. In addition, Art K encourages students to begin thinking about the artwork of others. They learn about well-known artists and the common tools those artists used. They also learn about art museums and consider how pieces of artwork make them feel. Finally, students create works of art that are of a more personal nature, including art depicting their own community, a self-portrait, and an illustration of their favorite book. Throughout Art K, students learn art terminology so that they are able to connect ideas and demonstrate the beginnings of a strong artistic foundation.


Music 1


Art 5