ART/MUSIC, K-12 selene Wakid ART/MUSIC, K-12 selene Wakid

Music 5

In Music 5, students demonstrate their ability to create, perform, analyze, and respond to music while making connections to personal, social, cultural, and historical perspectives.

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ART/MUSIC, K-12 selene Wakid ART/MUSIC, K-12 selene Wakid

Music 4

In Music 4, students identify how the elements of music (melody, harmony, timbre, dynamics, and tempo) affect what a piece of music communicates to a listener.

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ART/MUSIC, K-12 selene Wakid ART/MUSIC, K-12 selene Wakid

Music 1

In Music 1, students are introduced to music fundamentals such as solfège, rhythms, dynamics, meter, instrument families, and dance forms.

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