Middle School Health

Middle School Health introduces students to the dimensions of health and explains how students' decisions, along with various influences, affect their health and well-being. Students will learn about positive and negative peer pressure and how to apply the decision-making process to help them make safe, informed choices. They will have the opportunity to develop and apply their refusal skills when faced with questionable circumstances, such as pressure to use drugs or partake in other risky behaviors. Self-evaluation and goal-setting techniques are introduced to help a student achieve success, whether it be intellectually or physically. Students will learn about healthy eating habits, safe exercise routines, and ways to prevent disease. In addition, students will learn the signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships and how to handle conflicts by demonstrating effective communication skills. They will also study the body and how to care for each system, especially as their body matures and grows. Finally, students are introduced to basic first aid care and procedures to help keep themselves and others safe inside and outside the home.


Middle School Nutrition and Personal Fitness


Music K