Introduction to Computer Programming
The Introduction to Computer Programming course, a course for middle school students, provides a foundation for future programming courses.
Physical Education 7
Physical Education 7 offers a comprehensive physical education course for students to assist them in creating a healthy lifestyle and living an active life.
Middle School Nutrition and Personal Fitness
In Middle School Nutrition and Personal Fitness, students explore nutrition, dietary needs, and physical fitness.
Middle School Health
Middle School Health introduces students to the dimensions of health and explains how students' decisions, along with various influences, affect their health and well-being.
Pre-Algebra, students explore concepts such as integers, expressions, equations, and fractions.
Mathematics 7
Students in Mathematics 7 begin their journey on the pathway to developing a strong mathematics framework.
Middle School World History
Middle School World History enables students to explore significant events, people, and places from prehistoric to modern times.
Middle School U.S. History to 1877
Middle School U.S. History to 1877 encompasses the discovery of North America by European explorers, colonization, the Revolutionary War, and the Civil War.
Middle School U.S. History
Middle School U.S. History explores the history of the United States from before the arrival of Europeans in North America to the events of the 2016 presidential election.
Middle School Geography
Students learn to study the Earth’s landscape in Middle School Geography.
Middle School Civics and Government
Middle School Civics and Government introduces students to the basic principles of the democratic government of the United States.
Microsoft Word
This course introduces students to the world of Microsoft word.