Physical Education 1

Physical Education 1 offers students a complete physical education experience where students are encouraged to live healthy lifestyles through good choices and daily activity. The course begins by introducing students to the requirements for completion, which include organized, supervised physical activity. Students document all activity within their PE Logs. From there, students learn about a number of different elements of a healthy lifestyle, including safety, working with others, responsibility, stretching, healthy versus unhealthy foods, and warming-up and cooling-down. Regardless of the activity students are asked to do on a given day, they are expected to get up and move for a certain amount of time within each lesson. This expectation encourages students to be active every day by creating a routine. Students can be active by performing different exercises, engaging in different activities, or by using items from their grade-appropriate physical education kits, which are available to purchase. The kit is designed to work in conjunction with the course content and contains age-appropriate exercise and activity items.


Physical Education 2


Physical Education 8