Physical Education 2

Physical Education 2 provides students with a comprehensive physical education course. Within this course, students are encouraged to discover the ways to live a healthy lifestyle, including better food choices and consistent activity. Students begin the course by learning how to document the required supervised physical activity within a PE Log. The course then moves into different aspects of healthy living, discussing components of health and safety, nutrition, working with others, following directions, and a number of new and different exercises and activities. Regardless of the activity the student is asked to do within a given day, they are encouraged to get up and move for a certain amount of time within each lesson. This expectation helps them to create a routine-like schedule. Students can be active by performing different exercises, engaging in different activities, or by using items from their grade-appropriate physical education kits, which are available to purchase. This kit, which is designed to work in conjunction with the course content, contains age-appropriate exercise and activity items.


Physical Education 3


Physical Education 1