Physical Education 12


Physical Education 12 delivers a comprehensive physical education experience for students. They receive a mix of instruction on nutrition and physical activities, in addition to information that will help them make better, more health-conscious decisions. The course will guide them in leading a more fit and active lifestyle. Students begin by learning about the required physical activity and how to document their activity in a PE Log. They can manually track activity or use their electronic fitness tracker. The course then moves into content ranging from the F.I.T.T. principle and nutrition to a variety of exercises and physical activities. When students are asked to complete an exercise or activity, they receive instruction on the basic elements and the proper execution of each movement so that they can get the most benefits from the exercise. Regardless of what activity the student is asked to do within a given day, they are encouraged to get up and move for a certain amount of time in each lesson. Students can be active by performing different exercises, engaging in different activities, or by using items from their grade-appropriate physical education kits, which are available to purchase. This kit, which is designed to work in conjunction with the course content, contains age-appropriate exercise and activity items. Students who participate in organized team practices, games, and/or matches can also document activity within the Sports Verification Log.


French I


Physical Education 11