Social Studies 4

Social Studies 4 introduces students to critical analysis as they develop detailed knowledge of the United States, its regions, and the influence of individual perspectives on documents and events. Students assess and use a wide variety of primary and secondary sources to research compelling questions through supporting questions and present interpretations and arguments in both written and oral form, supporting their positions with details drawn from reliable sources. They learn the rights and responsibilities of citizens and how people and groups can work together to accomplish common goals. Students also explore how regional differences in physical environments and cultures affect how people live and work. This course will foster a command of the concepts and tools of geography, such as latitude, longitude, maps of various kinds, and scales. Students will also gain an understanding of core aspects of economics, including resources, production, consumption, and international trade. This course includes a printed Parent and Teacher Guide that will help you support your student’s learning.


Social Studies 5


Social Studies 3